
Ian Poulter complains about airline's treatment of nanny, receives little sympathy after tone-deaf tweets

Ian Poulter complains about airline's treatment of nanny, receives little sympathy after tone-deaf tweets

Ian Poulter may be a Ryder Cup mainstay and one of the world's finest golfers, but he's also prone to popping off on Twitter. Sometimes it's cute, but sometimes it doesn't go over well with anyone who's not a millionaire golfer ... which is an awful lot of people.

Poulter, who's currently playing in the PGA Championship, decided to plan a little family vacation. He booked his fight, but the airline apparently screwed up his plans. Now, celebrities complaining about anything is pretty tiresome, but even by those standards, Poulter began a Friday-morning diatribe with a particularly ill-conceived angle of attack:

TEN HOURS! FOUR KIDS! Sweet heaven, that's like ... 40 kid-hours of work! No mother has ever had to work so hard!

Poulter apparently realized he was running the very real risk of seeming out of touch with the few people on earth who don't fly business class to Europe with nannies in tow, so he added a defense of his wife:

The car company that apparently took Poulter's family to the airport attempted to come to the rescue, but only made things worse:

Poulter, displaying a touch of realization, turned philosophical:

Nothing's wrong with getting what you paid for. Complaining to millions of people about how hard life is for a rich dude who flaunts his mansion and sweet rides in his Twitter avatar? Yeah, that's a little dicier. But wait, Poulter's on that too:

And, in turn, Poulter's followers shared theirs:

You get the idea.

At least NoNannyGate hasn't yet affected Poulter's golf game. He started Friday just three strokes off the lead at Valhalla Golf Club in Lousville. Not a thing to complain about on that score ... yet.

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Jay Busbee is a writer for Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or find him on Facebook or on Twitter.