
Zilla Meals owner wins Mr. Kentucky, Premier Muscle Championships

Aug. 29—Keeping up a good physique requires the right diet, and Zilla Meals owner Jordan Adams has a direct supply to his diet of choice.

Adams recently snagged the top spot in both the Open Kentucky State "Mr. Kentucky" competition and the NPC (National Physique Committee) Premier Muscle Championship in Muncie, Indiana.

Adams competed in the "classic division." He described the goal for that division as a "more attainable" physique that was sought after in the old-school bodybuilding competitions like those Arnold Schwarzenegger competed in.

For his placement in the competitions, he was awarded trophies and medals. Overall winners also were given paid entries to compete in pro shows.

While Mr. Kentucky is a bit more of a prestigious event, said Adams, the Indiana show was actually far larger and had Adams compete against around 300 other contestants. Adams credits this to marketing.

"The woman who markets the one in Indiana, the next day she's already focused on next year," said Adams. "She's awesome."

As far as his secret to success, Adams credited his position at Zilla Mills, a locally owned and operated meal prep company. They aim to make meals that are both dense with nutrients but also feel homemade.

"That's actually our slogan," said Adams. "'A home-cooked meal with results you can taste.'

"Thankfully owning a meal prep company kind of takes care of all my nutrition," added Adams. "Like not having to cook is beautiful. The staff is wonderful. The pretty much know everything I need to eat and the times I need to eat, so they kind of just have it ready to go."

Adams tries not to take his position for granted though. He said that due to the "special treatment" he receives, he has to hold himself to a "no excuses" policy.

Still, his preparation for exercising took a lot of hours in the gym as well as sharpening his "mental toughness."

"It's definitely a strenuous sport. It takes a lot out of you. But you also learn about yourself and what you're actually willing to go through to achieve the end result," said Adams.

Burning fat and building muscle takes time and Adams said his body often goes into "survival mode" during training.

"You don't want to do the things that you would normally want to do. You don't want to go take the kids to the park. You don't want to just go on an evening walk with the dogs, because it's exhausting at this point. But you still have to maintain some sort of a life, so suck it up and do it," said Adams

Adams said gritting ones teeth and bearing through the 16-20 week training period despite the tax on mental fortitude can be the hardest, yet the most rewarding part of the sport.

"You don't want to go on stage knowing that you could have done more," said Adams.

Zilla Meals also partly sponsored the competitions, which gave Adams a nice photo op.

"It was very awe-inspiring whenever you get photos back from the show and you see Jordan Adams on stage and the Zilla Meals logo behind me. It's like everything I've worked for in my entire life is right there. The business and the bodybuilding," said Adams. "It was very humbling."