
Yes, Brittany Lang is from Texas, but that doesn’t mean she knows Champions Golf Club

The theory is a sound one – Brittany Lang, who already has one U.S. Women’s Open title under her belt, was reared in Texas, the state where this year’s event will be held starting Thursday. She’s certain to have an edge in terms of familiarity, right?

Not necessarily.

Although Lang graduated from McKinney High School, just outside Dallas, she didn’t spend much time at Champions Golf Club, which sits northwest of Houston.

But just because she hasn’t frequented the club founded by famous Texans Jackie Burke, Jr. and Jimmy Demaret, Lang isn’t stressed as she heads into her 16th U.S. Women’s Open.

“I am not super familiar with this golf course. I have been here. My caddie, however, is. He grew up playing here a little bit, which is helpful. I was supposed to come down and play it, and something was bothering me, my arm was bothering me, and I wasn’t able to come down,” Lang said.

“But I saw it today and it’s pretty straightforward.”

The 2016 champ, who edged Anna Nordqvist in a playoff at the Bay Area’s CordeValle Golf Club, said she’s modified her approach when it comes to majors. There might have been a day when Lang would have stressed about a new or unfamiliar course, but this week she tried to get some rest to prepare for the rigors the Open throws at players.

“I didn’t play (Monday). I just drove up. Yeah, I was tired after Dallas. That was a grind. I was just really tired and I want to be fresh and my caddie knows the course and we get yesterday and today. It’s plenty for me,” she said.

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“I think younger Brittany had a lot more energy, so she would have played it multiple, multiple times. But older Brittany is a little more tired … and that’s okay. Now that I’m a mother and I’m considered old out here, I’m going to take a breather.”

Considering she has just two victories in 16 LPGA seasons, Lang certainly brings her best to this major. Aside from the victory in 2016 — her last — she has two other top-10 finishes and has placed in the top 50 nine times at U.S. Women’s Opens while missing the cut just three times.

She’s hoping that magic continues this week, perhaps even breaking her four-year victory drought. Lang is certainly capable — she finished T-11 in Dallas last week.

“It’s crazy. I take pride in it. You know, it’s hard,” Lang said of her string of 16 U.S. Women’s Opens. “Watching Angela (Stanford) win last week (at the Volunteers of America Classic outside Dallas), that’s pretty special to have staying power like that. I take pride in it, even though I’m not quite to her level. But it’s really special.”

One thing she won’t be short on this week is support. Her husband, Kevin, is on hand as are her parents, her mother-in-law and her daughter. Still, she can’t get too caught up in playing well in her home state in front of family, something she said can lead you down a slippery slope.

“I try to lower my expectations because you get pretty excited. You have a lot of family and you want to win, you want to play so well and do well,” she said. “But I’ve learned to calm down a little bit and lower my expectations.

“It’s just fun to be in Texas.”

And as for what she’s seen of the course?

“I loved it,” she said. “A lot of drivers off the tee, which I think is great. A lot of character. Greens are massive, so a lot of long putts. And they’re fast … probably a lot of 10-feet-and-in putts for par and long lag putts.”


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