
Watch: Highlights from Kobe Bryant’s statue unveiling

On Thursday afternoon, late Los Angeles Lakers great Kobe Bryant was immortalized in perpetuity when a statue featuring his likeness was unveiled just outside of Arena. It was the building that he called home for each of his 20 seasons; in fact, for years, some have informally referred to the building as “the house that Kobe built.”

Many legends and figures from the Lakers’ illustrious past were on hand, including some that were directly associated with Bryant, such as teammates Derek Fisher, Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom, as well as former head coach Phil Jackson.

It was a ceremony to cherish for Lakers fans, now and forever. Below are just a few highlights from this historic event.

Fisher talks about Bryant as a player and as a man

Jackson talks about Bryant's evolution and growth throughout his career

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar praises his fellow Lakers legend

Owner Jeanie Buss speaks about Bryant's career and legacy

The statue is unveiled

Rear view of the statue

The statue is a re-creation of an iconic pose and moment

And there's more to come

Story originally appeared on LeBron Wire