
Warrick Dunn reminded of his mother's murder after Baton Rouge police killings

Warrick Dunn sadly knows all about police tragedy in Baton Rouge, La. It hit incredibly close to home more than 20 years ago, just as the tragedy there this weekend rocked his hometown.

Warrick Dunn's police officer mother was murdered in Baton Rouge in 1993 (Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images)
Warrick Dunn’s police officer mother was murdered in Baton Rouge in 1993 (Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images)

The former Tampa Bay Buccaneers running back and current minority owner of the Atlanta Falcons watched this weekend’s events unfold, with three police officers being shot and killed in his hometown, and couldn’t help but reflect on his own personal tragedy.

Dunn lost his mother, Baton Rouge police officer Betty Smothers, who was killed there in 1993 in a robbery attempt. That left Dunn, then 18 years old and a senior in high school, to help raise five younger siblings.

He issued a statement to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (you can read the full statement here) asking for a stop to the violence that has plagued the country in recent weeks and months.

Here’s an excerpt:

“My heart breaks for the families and law enforcement officers in Baton Rouge who have lost loved ones. I have been in similar shoes — it will change their lives and leave them reeling with questions for years to come. It is a shame — so many officers who are out there on the front lines have tremendous heart for what they do. These acts of violence don’t solve anything, and if my voice can add to the movement to stop it, then I’d consider that a good thing.”

The timing of the police shootings comes at a tender time for Dunn, who said he’s scheduled to attend the trial for a re-sentencing hearing of his mother’s murder from 23 years ago. The 12-year veteran of the Bucs and Falcons has seen his hometown community hurt many times, and the wounds appear to be fresh following the latest police shooting.

Dunn casts no judgments and calls for action over words, which is something to applaud — especially as we dawn on what could be a nasty political realm with a presidential election looming.

“Another thing we can all do is stress to our elected leaders that we have to look at the issue of guns in our country with serious eyes and intent instead of (through) the prism of a political stand-off. And then we have to give justice a chance to work. When people are intentional about their use of guns against others – we have to make sure the message that crime doesn’t pay – means something. Today, I wonder about that because from my view with my Mother’s trial, justice has failed our family, but I believe we can and must do better.”

Dunn says he speaks for himself and that he supports both the police and the Baton Rouge community. Nothing more than he begs for change to happen. Smart words from a thoughtful, giving former NFL player — one of the most philanthropic members of the league in this generation or any for that matter — who has done a lot of good in whatever community he has been a part of.


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Eric Edholm is a writer for Shutdown Corner on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!