
Twitter reacts to Notre Dame’s first touchdown against California

It’s turning into an accomplishment for Notre Dame just to reach the end zone. We haven’t been able to give you a lot of highlights this season because there haven’t been many of them. But the Irish were bailed out on a missed field goal from Blake Grupe on an offsides penalty against California. They took advantage of it, and Drew Pyne found Chris Tyree in the end zone to tie the game in the second quarter:

Irish fans have been desperate to talk about anything positive. The first quarter only featured punt after punt after punt, so that made it boring. When the Bears scored a touchdown off a fumble the Irish lost on a bad snap, it went from bad to worse. At least the Irish finally got on the scoreboard.

Here are a few Irish fans who expressed their gratitude for completing what’s increasingly becoming a difficult task:

Drew Mentock

Sean Stires

Dougie Sant

Darin Pritchett

Timmy Shaw

Jason Howard

CJ Adler

Greg Ramos

Hayden Adams

Story originally appeared on Fighting Irish Wire