
TSA apparently breaks Olympian's gold medal in transit

Emma Coburn's medail (via Twitter)
Emma Coburn’s medal (via Twitter)

Emma Coburn is headed to Rio after a sterling performance at the U.S. Olympic trials, winning the steeplechase in 9:17.48. Alas, the gold medal she won at the trials didn’t survive her trip back home to Boulder, Colorado. Coburn packed the medal in her checked luggage, only to find that the TSA had apparently broken it during an inspection.

“Unpacking from the Olympic Trials,” Coburn wrote on Twitter. “Looks like TSA broke my medal. Big piece of glass broken off and missing.”

A USA TODAY investigation last year found the TSA paid out $3 million over the previous five years to settle 15,000 claims of lost, broken, or stolen merchandise from travelers’ bags. Just more proof that if you are fortunate enough to win a medal in any athletic event, you should wear it around your neck at all times forevermore.

Jay Busbee is a writer for Yahoo Sports and the author of EARNHARDT NATION, on sale now at Amazon or wherever books are sold. Contact him at or find him on Twitter or on Facebook.