
TikTok launches new feature to stop people getting stuck infinitely scrolling

A photograph taken at the UK’s TikTok offices (AFP via Getty Images)
A photograph taken at the UK’s TikTok offices (AFP via Getty Images)

TikTok has launched a new feature to stop users scrolling indefinitely.

“In the coming weeks, we’re introducing a tool to let people control how much time they spend on TikTok in a single sitting by enabling regular screen time breaks”, the company wrote in a blog post.

“These prompts will remind people to take a break after a certain amount of uninterrupted screen time, which they can set as they choose.”

A new screen time dashboard will inform users about how much time they are spending on TikTok. This will provide summaries of their daily time spent on the app, the number of times they opened the app, and a breakdown of daytime and night-time usage.

“We’ll also be introducing weekly digital well-being prompts for younger members of our community. When someone aged between 13 and 17 has used the app for more than 100 minutes in a single day, we will remind them of our screen time limit tool the next time they open the app”, the company added.

TikTok has already implemented screen time limits to help people better decide how long they want to spend on the app. For users aged between 13 and 15, push notifications after 9pm are automatically disabled; for those between 16 and 17, it is disabled after 10pm.

Both iPhones and Android phones have built-in screen time tracking that lets users limit the amount of use a particular app gets, as well as scheduling ‘focus’ modes which grey out the icons – making people less likely to click the app.