
Thundering up as the teams flight touches down

Thundering up as the teams flight touches down

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — “There is homecourt advantage and then… there is Oklahoma City,” that’s how one national NBA television commentator once summed up the incredible fan loyalty and “love affair” the Thunder and their fans have always had.

Few NBA teams get the kind of support where fans show up at the airport at all hours during playoff time to welcome their team back home. One of the people who helps make it happen is Devin Newsom.

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Devin helps organize the airport Thunder rally’s, “this generation of the Thunder players have not gotten to really experience it.” Devin went on, “Because the whole team is basically new. And so being able to do that for this team and see their excitement and their passion was really special.”

Devin is a super fan who actually used to work for the Thunder but is now employed at the Bethany Children’s Health Center. However, he is still very involved in organizing the Thunder airport rallies.

“Devin is just one of those people who has encouraged so many people to come to the airport,” says Karen Nelson who nominated Devin for First Fidelity Banks Pay It Forward award. “He’s been doing it for 10 or 12 years. He always posts what time the team is going to arrive. Where we should be. If there’s a delay, he keeps us informed so we can go, get breakfast and come back if we have to. And he also keeps us pumped up and waiting for the team.”

First Fidelity Branch Manager Michelle Fox did the honors of presenting Karen with the $400 dollar cash prize for winning Pay It Forward to give to Devin.

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“Well, it’s such an exciting time for The Thunder and Oklahoma City,” Michelle said. “And it’s so awesome to see Devin and what he does for the spirit of the community and I am so excited to present you with $400 dollars to pay it forward.”

Devin was stunned when Karen surprised him at his work place in Bethany.

He asked Karen for a hug and then told us, “When I do those things it’s not for any kind of accolades. I care about the city and the team,” Devin said. “I’ve been here my whole life and I love The Thunder and when they came here it became something that I was super passionate about and that environment when the fans and community are excited, it’s something that I really enjoy.”

Cheers and hugs all around from co-workers for a super fan who pays it forward for the love of his city and team.

If you know someone deserving of a Pay It 4Ward award, you can nominate them here.

Pay It 4Ward is sponsored by First Fidelity Bank. Copyright 2024 Nexstar Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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