
Rugby-Doctors call for ban on tackling in British schools

LONDON, March 2 (Reuters) - Doctors, academics and health experts have called for tackling to be banned in rugby played in schools in Britain and Ireland to reduce the risk of children suffering serious injuries. In an open letter to government ministers and chief medical officers, 73 signatories on Wednesday expressed concern about government plans to increase participation in rugby in English schools. "The majority of all injuries occur during contact or collision, such as the tackle and the scrum," the letter stated, calling for a switch to touch and non-contact versions of the game. "These injuries, which include fractures, ligamentous tears, dislocated shoulders, spinal injuries and head injuries ,can have short-term, life-long and life-ending consequences for children." England hosted last year's Rugby World Cup and the Rugby Football Union (RFU) launched an 'All Schools' programme in 2012 aimed at increasing the number of state secondary schools playing rugby. The RFU said it took safety "extremely seriously" and pointed also to what it saw as substantial physical and social benefits for youngsters, with the game increasing their confidence, self-discipline and teamwork. RULE CHANGE The RFU has recently changed the rules of junior rugby with a graduated exposure to its physical aspects. Until the age of nine, children play only tag, after which tackling is introduced. The following year they are involved in rucking, while contested scrums, lineouts and kicking come in for older age groups. Fans and ex-players say rugby would be nothing without the physical element. "If you take the tackle out of rugby what have you got left? Where do you stop?," former England full back Matt Perry told the BBC. "I took a risk when I started rugby at seven and I'm afraid at school level if that tackle is taken out, we've lost one of the great games and one of the great cultural games." Retired England hooker Brian Moore said on Twitter that banning contact rugby until adulthood "effectively precludes full rugby after; it's more dangerous to start unskilled, powerful adults tackling." Professor Allyson Pollock, of Queen Mary University of London, told the BBC that evidence collected over 12 years showed players up to the age of 18 or 19 had a 28 percent chance of getting injured over a 15-match season. That meant 300,000 extra injuries a year if a million children were playing every year with a similar risk of injury. "The U.N. convention on the rights of the child is really very specific on the role that governments and all authorities and parents actually have," she told Sky Sports television. "They must take all the necessary steps to inform children, to protect them and to prevent them from suffering mental injury and physical injury and abuse. So it's really very important that we put the child at the centre of the game." (Reporting by Alan Baldwin, additional reporting by Mitch Phillips, editing by Ken Ferris)