
When Redskins Fans Fight and Come Together

There’s no secret that Redskins fans don’t always see eye to eye on everything, whether it’s Democrats vs. Republicans, the Baltimore Orioles vs. Washington Nationals, the Wizards vs. (insert favorite NBA team here), or multi-year contract vs. franchise tag. Saying there are things that divide us is the equivalent of saying water is wet.

Over time, I have seen Skins fans act like armchair General Managers fighting over what they think is best for this team. They argue over the location of this team’s proposed new stadium – does it belong in Virginia, Maryland, DC or even if said new stadium should have a moat around it. With all that being said, Redskins fans (most of them) have a bond like a mother and a newborn child. If you mess with them, they will come after you! No doubt about it!

Cowboys, Eagles and Giants fans can’t hold a stick to what is probably one of the most devoted and passionate fan bases in the NFL If you are within the DC sports media circle of know-it-alls walking around Redskins Park with some sense of entitlement, thinking the fans are uneducated, you are in for a very rude awakening. This writer will not go into specifics, but if you are on social media and have your finger remotely close to the pulse of the Redskins, you know firsthand what I’m talking about…

Ah, but there it is. That’s the fan coming out of me, showing my favoritism to the team I cover. I’ve loved the Burgundy and Gold since birth. Now I’m more than just a fan. I’m a fan with a soapbox to stand on!

Reporters who just work in this market for a paycheck and don’t share a personal connection with the team itself have said on numerous occasions that it’s easier to cover the Redskins when they win. Regardless of team’s record, the media continues to promote a negative narrative that is heard almost daily on local radio. We are subjected to sportscasters whose motivation is to advance their career by smearing the team, having the idea that they’ll be around longer than the athletes. That’s where the discord comes in and Redskins fans band together.

Go to a game at FedEx Field. Experience the energy in the atmosphere. That will show you how strongly fans feel about the Redskins. Not some half-minded nit-wit shock-jock burning through calls of fans who are excited to be on the radio or some newspaper writer with a Sunday 11pm deadline to see what sticks to the wall in order to persuade fans one way or another.

One thing is for sure – through the good, the bad and the ugly fights and arguments, Redskins fans always come together in the end for the love of the team.

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