
Ravens K Justin Tucker swiftly shuts down holdout talk

The Baltimore Ravens have been able to watch greatness unfold before them, as kicker Justin Tucker has turned himself into one of the best at his position in the history of the NFL. He has won countless games for the organization, and sent the opponents he’s beaten home unhappy.

One of the teams that Tucker has plenty of success against is the Cleveland Browns. On Wednesday, a host on a Cleveland sports radio station tweeted out that things surrounding a Justin Tucker holdout were really interesting, something that came out of complete left field.

Tucker caught wind of the rumor, and took to Twitter to swiftly shut it down, saying that he wasn’t holding out.

Later, Jonas Shaffer of the Baltimore Sun tweeted out audio from the Cleveland radio station of them discussing the incident. The hosts planned to lie to start a controversy in Baltimore, with a goal to have Tucker be asked a question about it.

The blatant lie was quickly shut down by the kicker, and the whole reason the false rumor was spread in the first place is still rather curious. The station’s goal was to get Tucker to be asked a question about the “holdout”, but a tweet about it should certainly suffice for a report that had no merit in the first place.