
Podcast: Summer Sanders Q&A, debating doping cheats, and more

Grandstanding: A Yahoo Sports podcast
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The Grandstanding podcast continues live from Rio, as Greg Wyshynski entertains us with tales of the Olympic Games. Greg and Yahoo video dude Evan Doherty discuss the big stories of the moment, particularly whether penalties are too tough, or not tough enough, for those athletes and nations caught doping.

After that, Greg sits down with Summer Sanders to discuss all things Olympics: how Summer reconciles the high drama of the Games with the sordid underside of doping, what Summer did in her post-Olympics career, and what it was like being on a show with a certain Republican presidential nominee.

Finally, Greg answers mail about media dining, horse transport, and the sport most likely to see a post-Olympic bump. Check it out!

Thanks for listening to the Grandstanding podcast with Jay Busbee and Kevin Kaduk. Hit us up on Twitter (@kevinkaduk and @jaybusbee) Facebook (Kaduk here, Busbee here) or via the hashtag #grandstanding. See you next ep!

[Music by Chris Salmon and Tobin Summerfield]

Jay Busbee is a writer for Yahoo Sports and the author of EARNHARDT NATION, on sale now at Amazon or wherever books are sold. Contact him at or find him on Twitter or on Facebook.