
Pabst Blue Ribbon could be out of business by next year so start stockpiling

Boy the world just can't catch a break at the moment can it? As if the jubilee of cataclysms currently assailing the earth weren't enough, you turn to something simple like beer for comfort only to find that PBR—a cheap suds icon and certified hipster calling card—could be dead and gone by New Years. What else do you have for us universe? Does pizza cause cancer now?

On Monday morning, a Pabst-MillerCoors lawsuit opened in Milwaukee County Circuit Court. The plaintiff, Pabst Brewing Company, is suing current business partner MillerCoors, because MillerCoors—who currently brews and distributes the hallowed PBR elixir—does not intend to renew the brand's brewing contract, which expires in 2020. Ordinarily this wouldn't be grounds for a lawsuit, but PBR alleges that not only will they will be forced to liquidate without the partnership, but that they have evidence that MillerCoors is not re-upping the contract specifically to eliminate PBR as a dive bar beer competitor.

Now we love a good High Life and a cold Banquet as much as the next red-blooded American drinker, but the loss of PBR—and to a lesser extent, their affiliated brands Old Milwaukee, Natty Boh, and Lone Star—would leave a pretty sizable hole to fill in the Friday night bowling league landscape. If MillerCoors is really nixing their partnership with PBR to drive them into the grave, shame on them. But they are a massive, multi-national corporation and massive, multi-national corporations have been responsible for much worse—Terminators, Xenomorphs, Furbys—so I'm not sure why we're still surprised about this.

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The case will be adhjucated over the course of the next month, but we suggest you grab the nearest unlocked pickup truck and load up. If you don't crush all those tallboys by Christmas, something tells us they could be worth a whole lot more than $2 on the black beer market.

Portrait of an unidentified model as she stands in front of a Christmas tree next to a fireplace with a bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, two glasses, and a present on a serving tray, 1951. (Photo by Tom Kelley/Getty Images)

A Beer For Christmas

Portrait of an unidentified model as she stands in front of a Christmas tree next to a fireplace with a bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, two glasses, and a present on a serving tray, 1951. (Photo by Tom Kelley/Getty Images)
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