
One-Hour Workout: Two On, Two Off Treadmill Run

This article originally appeared on Triathlete

Looking for a way to spice up your treadmill workout this week? This session comes from coach Katie Malone, the owner of Malone Coaching based in Landrum, S.C. "The great part about this workout is you can shorten or lengthen the distances to fit any level athlete, and still keep the workout right in the one-hour range," Malone says.

After a short warm-up, you’ll run five miles in total, alternating between two minutes at a hard effort (the “on” portion of the workout) and two minutes at an easy effort (the “off”). This can serve as a test set of sorts, as the time it takes you to cover five miles will (hopefully) be shorter as you gain fitness into the new season. “This workout always helps to keep the motivation high, just by racing the clock,” says Malone.

In total, you’ll run seven miles, making this a solid interval workout to get your run fitness going – all without feeling the typical boredom that can come with a steady-state treadmill run.

RELATED: 7 Treadmill Tips For a Better Indoor Run

One-Hour Workout: Two On, Two Off Treadmill Run

1 mile easy

Main Set
Reset the treadmill so that the distance is at zero. Using the treadmill timer, begin running as 2 min hard effort, then 2 min easy (if you're training with a heart rate monitor, watch your HR to make sure it is really an easy effort). Continue until you have reached the five-mile mark. At the end of the five miles, note your time to use as a marker of improvement in the future.

1 mile easy

RELATED: 10 Treadmill Workouts for Triathletes

More One-Hour Workouts

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