
Foul tip to groin sends Welington Castillo to hospital ... again

At this point, we wouldn’t blame Orioles catcher Welington Castillo if he decided to step away from baseball for the rest of the season. The 30-year-old was taken to the hospital Monday night after being hit in the groin with a foul tip. It’s not the first time that’s happened to him this season.

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Yeah, you read that last sentence right. We’ll get to that in a minute. Take a look at the cringe-inducing footage above if you dare. Look away if you’re sensitive to that type of thing.

Not great! The impact was enough to not only take Castillo out of the game, but also send him to a local hospital to get checked out.

You have to feel for Welington Castillo after this one. (Screenshot via
You have to feel for Welington Castillo after this one. (Screenshot via

As we said above, this is the second time Castillo has been sent to the hospital after taking a foul tip to the groin this season. We know that seems unbelievable, but it happened in May. Castillo was placed on the disabled list shortly after with a “testicular injury.”

The Orioles’ Twitter account has avoided that term this time around … for now.

That’s technically factual, though not all that descriptive. On second thought, maybe we prefer it that way.

We know the Orioles are in the middle of the playoff race, but we wouldn’t be upset with Castillo if he took the rest of the season off after this one.

(BLS H/N: Deadspin)

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Chris Cwik is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Chris_Cwik