
Soccer-Pleas for help to FIFA going unanswered, Nepal official says

By Karolos Grohmann June 18 (Reuters) - Repeated pleas to embattled FIFA president Sepp Blatter and other senior officials asking for help to end "chaos and lawlessness" in Nepal's football federation (ANFA) have gone unanswered, the Asian body's vice-president told Reuters on Thursday. Football in the South Asian republic has been in turmoil since soccer's world governing body FIFA last year launched an investigation into financial irregularities during president Ganesh Thapa's reign at ANFA. Thapa, a former Asian Football Confederation vice-president, voluntarily stepped down and refrained "from all football activities" for 120 days late last year while FIFA probed accusations of misconduct from his colleagues at ANFA. FIFA has yet to report any findings. Nepal's parliament had also launched an investigation into the allegations. Thapa extended his self-imposed ban by another 90 days in March with that deadline ending on Friday. Blatter, 79, is stepping down as FIFA president as a corruption probe roils soccer's global governing body. (Editing by: Ossian Shine)