
Messerly’s interception in the closing seconds seals the deal for the Irish

Berne Union quarterback Jarett Thompson runs away from the Fisher Catholic defense during the Irish's 8-6 Mid-State League-Cardinal Division win on Saturday night, Oct. 14 at Fulton Field.
Berne Union quarterback Jarett Thompson runs away from the Fisher Catholic defense during the Irish's 8-6 Mid-State League-Cardinal Division win on Saturday night, Oct. 14 at Fulton Field.

LANCASTER – It was only fitting Fisher Catholic senior linebacker Simon Messerly would make the defining play that allowed the Irish to escape with a hard-fought 8-6 Mid-State League-Cardinal Division win over rival Berne Union on a rainy Saturday night at Fulton Field.

After not playing the past two seasons because of injuries, Messerly was just grateful to be on the field in his senior season, but when he had a chance to make a play and save the day for the Irish, he wasn’t about to let it pass him by.

“It just feels great to be out here, and it feels like all the hard work has finally paid off,” Messerly said. “I have been waiting for this moment, praying, and hoping I would have my senior season, at least. I have tried to take advantage of every moment, every practice, and every moment I am in a game, taking advantage of it and not letting it go by.”

The Rockets (2-7) took a 6-0 lead with 1:49 left in the first quarter on a 10-yard touchdown run by Dylan Finefrock. The Irish tied it with 2:24 left in the first half when Peyton Owens scored on a 19-yard touchdown run.

The Irish (3-6) took the lead on the first play of the fourth quarter when the Rockets attempted a punt from their own end zone and the ball sailed over the punter's head for a safety.

Messerly’s game-defining moment

Even though Berne Union had turned the ball over five times in the game, the Rockets had one last chance to win in the closing moments.

Starting at the Irish 45-yard line, Berne Union junior quarterback Jarett Thompson directed a drive that saw him complete a 12-yard pass and convert a huge third-and-long with a 16-yard run. The Rockets had the ball at the Irish 8-yard line with only 25 seconds remaining.

Fisher Catholic head coach Luke Thimmes gives some instruction to Irish senior linebacker Simon Messerly during a time late in the game. Messerly intercepted a pass near the goal line in the closing seconds to help preserve an 8-6 victory over Berne Union.
Fisher Catholic head coach Luke Thimmes gives some instruction to Irish senior linebacker Simon Messerly during a time late in the game. Messerly intercepted a pass near the goal line in the closing seconds to help preserve an 8-6 victory over Berne Union.

Running out of the shotgun, Thompson hesitated and then attempted to throw a short pass to running back Finefrock, but Messerly, who started toward the line of scrimmage because he thought it was run, was able to drop back in coverage, leap and intercept the ball to seal the victory.

“I read run, so I was kind of freaking out a little bit, but somehow, someway, I made it back and saw the ball up in the air and saw an opportunity, and I took that opportunity,” Messerly said. “I was so excited when the ball was in the air and my eyes got big, but I knew the ball was mine.”

Fisher Catholic coach Luke Thimmes was overjoyed for Messerly.

“I didn’t know who made the interception at first, but when I found out it was Simon, it couldn’t happen to a better kid,” Thimmes said. “You couldn’t write a storybook better than that for him. What he has been through, he didn’t play as a sophomore or junior because of injuries, but he stuck with it and to have that kind of perseverance, it could not happen to a better kid.”

Stats that matter

Even though the Rockets had six turnovers – three fumbles and three interceptions – they gave themselves a chance to win at the end because they kept fighting. But it was still frustrating for Berne Union coach Tony Hurps.

“We have given ourselves a chance in two league games just like tonight,” Hurps said. “We get down there and both times we turn it over, but we fought to the end. We didn’t play our best and the elements definitely hurt us tonight.”

The Rockets finished with 281 total yards. Thompson led the way with 66 yards rushing on 10 carries and he passed for 54 yards. Cody Homan added 58 yards on the ground on 11 carries, while Colton Woodgeard carried the ball twice for 56 yards and Finefrock chipped in 47 yards on nine rushes.

The Irish finished with 251 total yards with quarterback Grant Keefer leading the way with 61 yards rushing on eight carries. He completed five passes for 135 yards. Ethan O’Rielley chipped in 64 yards on 21 carries.

Tom Wilson is a sports reporter for the Lancaster Eagle-Gazette. Contact him at 740-689-5150 or via email at for comments or story tips. Follow him on Twitter @twil2323.

This article originally appeared on Lancaster Eagle-Gazette: Defining moment: Messerly’s pick in the closing seconds seals the deal