
'It means a lot to me':Lewandowski named Polish Sports Personality of the Year

What an accolade for Robert Lewandowski! The FCB striker has been named Polish Sports Personality of the Year – as the first footballer in 33 years! “This honour really means a lot to me. I'm very happy,” commented Lewandowski at the Qatar training camp and thanked his team-mates: “I'm a team player. This honour implies that the whole team – Bayern as well as the Poland squad – must have played very well.”

2015 was indeed an outstanding year for Lewandowski. He scored 38 goals in 51 competitive fixtures, and in September he made history with his five-goal haul in nine minutes against Wolfsburg. In addition the 27-year-old netted ten times in seven matches for Poland. He equalled the European championship qualifiers goalscoring record with 13 goals in ten games, sealing a berth at the Euro 2016 finals for Poland almost single-handedly.

Lewandowski is only the third football player to win the traditional poll among readers of sports magazine Przegląd Sportowy, carried out since 1926. Zbigniew Boniek, today's president of the Polish FA and former Juventus and AS Roma player, was the last footballer to receive the award before Lewy – in 1982! Ski jumper Kamil Stoch won last year's poll. Prior to that, cross-country skier Justyna Kowalczyk won five times in a row, making her the record winner.