
Mark Cuban featured in new official League of Legends video

Mark Cuban, potential League of Legends investor? (LoL Esports)
Mark Cuban, potential League of Legends investor? (LoL Esports)

Riot Games has released a new RoadTrip to Worlds episode featuring outspoken Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban. The video features Laserbeamz pitching team ideas as possible investments to Cuban:

The segment parodies Shark Tank, a reality television show in which entrepreneurs pitch ideas to a panel of potential investors. Cuban has appeared on the Shark Tank panel since 2010.

Cuban has expressed interest in acquiring a League of Legends team in the past, even making an appearance to play in a show match during Intel Extreme Masters San Jose in 2015. However, he has not yet made any formal announcements.

In related League of Legends news, the World Championship concluded last weekend with returning champions SK Telecom T1 securing first place once again. The team faced Samsung Galaxy for a gripping five-game series. Check out the recap from Yahoo’s LoL expert Taylor Cocke.

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