
Letter: A thank you to the Iowa women's basketball team

As you all know, our Hawkeye women’s basketball team finished second in the 2024 NCAA Championship game Sunday, April 7.

Coming in first was South Carolina, which played an excellent game, completing their season without a single loss! Their women’s team was taller than ours, with one young lady measuring 6 feet 7 inches who could almost stand by the basket and tip the ball into the net. They were also highly accomplished players and pushed our women to play their best. All players on the floor should be extremely proud of helping their teams play a hard-fought game.

I have to comment on Iowa’s Hawkeye women. Having watched our women play this season, it has been a pleasure to watch each of the women mature and improve her skills and playing ability, and even more, to watch all of the women work as a team together with a common goal.

If you have not been able to observe both the individual and team growth, you have missed something truly special and memorable. Caitlin Clark was fun to watch as she kept track of all the other members of her team along with their competitors before suddenly shooting one of her infamous 3-point baskets or throwing the ball through some incredible mazes to a teammate to shoot or keep the ball in play. Needless to say, reading the faces of all of the women added to understanding how the team was reacting to different plays, whether they were concerned about a fellow teammate and would then encourage or help that teammate up from the floor. These Hawkeye women are phenomenal players and should make each and every one of us proud to claim them as “OUR TEAM.”

As for the Iowa coaches from Lisa Bluder to all of her support coaching team, we have to recognize the knowledge and skills they developed in their team. I want to thank you for remaining ladies (which some other coaches did not), teaching our women good sportsmanship, and to play as an integrated team. It was obvious that these coaches were all highly respected and loved by the entire team no matter whether they were making suggestions for playing or giving compassionate hugs to individuals who were either upset by their performance or ecstatic from participating in a successful play. The Iowa Hawkeye women’s basketball team is indeed fortunate to have such a high-quality cadre of coaches.

Go Hawks. We are proud of you. Thank you for sharing your talent and skills with all of us this year.

Best wishes to those who will be moving on to the WNBA, graduate school or other activities. Those who work with you will be fortunate to have you. To those of you who are remaining at Iowa and will be forming the core of next year's team, we will remain as your supportive sixth players.

Caroline Means Bitterwolf


This article originally appeared on Ames Tribune: Letter: A thank you to the Iowa women's basketball team