
Jim Harbaugh, Michigan football visit Genesee County Jail to open tour around the state

Back on Sept. 8, 2020, Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh visited the Genesee County Jail to support Sheriff Christopher Swanson as he unveiled the "IGNITE" program.

Harbaugh returned to the jail Thursday with 15 players to teach them about the program and serve lunch to prisoners — one of several service projects that kicked off a team trip around Michigan. For Swanson, the visit was validation of his work with the 642 inmates under his supervision.

Swanson was motivated by the death of George Floyd in May 2020; he created "IGNITE," which stands for “Inmate Growth Naturally and Intentionally through Education,” and connected with Harbaugh through a mutual friend.

Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh and players pose with Sheriff Christopher Swanson outside the Genesee County Jail.
Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh and players pose with Sheriff Christopher Swanson outside the Genesee County Jail.

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“I think of myself as a go-getter, but just to watch him on a daily basis, (he’ll) be doing 10 things at once,” Harbaugh said Thursday. “I don't know if everybody's having a good time around him every minute of the day, but we're not bored around Sheriff Swanson. So if one man can do it, it just inspires me to do a little more myself.”

Swanson’s program rewards prisoners with perks such as chips and soda for achievement in classes. In almost two years, it has provided over 185,000 hours of education, produced 16 graduates and spread to seven states.

U-M players volunteered for the tour, which began at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Flint. Swanson took on defensive back Caden Kolesar in a pushup contest, then put the team to work with a motivational speech.

“I mentioned that they are top athletes. It's what they do, it's not who they are,” Swanson said. “And we reminded them that their ability to inspire people, that can cause others to choose life, to choose hope, to choose opportunity. … I was told before they even landed at the Boys and Girls Club that Harbaugh said, of all the teams he's coached, this one has the biggest servant leadership heart, and I know they're gonna do great things because of that.”

Some players and coaches stayed at the Boys and Girls Club to paint a mural, stuff backpacks with school supplies and create care packages. Others headed to Flint International Academy for outdoor beautification projects.

Michigan quarterback Cade McNamara (middle) prepares to plate food at the Genesee County Jail.
Michigan quarterback Cade McNamara (middle) prepares to plate food at the Genesee County Jail.

Those at the prison donned rubber gloves and plated food. Quarterback Cade McNamara was in charge of scooping pasta. While players passed out meals and chatted up prisoners, Harbaugh visited inmates who had just been booked and were awaiting trial.

“It’s a very low point,” Harbaugh said. “But just encouraging (them) that there’s still hope, there’s still a sheriff, a staff, a support team that’s brought this 'IGNITE' program to life, and that’s something that’s there. And you’re just encouraging (them) when the time comes to take advantage of that; to be able to use that time — two hours a day, five days a week — (to) get the skills, get a driver’s license, get the things that they’re going to need to get back into the community.”

As the Wolverines left the jail, tight end Carter Selzer — whose nickname is  “The Sheriff” — was christened an honorary sheriff by Swanson. In turn, Harbaugh named Swanson and John L. Allen, an IGNITE alum turned program ambassador, honorary captains for a game this fall.

From there, service teams regrouped at the Dort Event Center in Flint to host a carnival for children from the Boys and Girls Club and Flint International Academy. Defensive lineman Mazi Smith battled multiple kids in tug of war and McNamara plunked Harbaugh into the icy waters of a dunk tank.

Next, Harbaugh’s squad will tour the capitol in Lansing and Grand Rapids' Gerald Ford Presidential Museum on Friday. The Wolverines will have more service opportunities on their tour, which runs through July 29.

Sheriff Christopher Swanson and defensive back Caden Kolesar prepare to see who can do more pushups at the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Flint.
Sheriff Christopher Swanson and defensive back Caden Kolesar prepare to see who can do more pushups at the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Flint.

Harbaugh said he hopes to maintain the relationship with IGNITE, Swanson and the jail into the future. He’d have the energetic Swanson speak to the team the night before a game, pregame and at halftime if he could, Harbaugh added.

“I just love the way Sheriff Swanson has brought this to life,” Harbaugh said. “A lot of people talk a good game, a lot of people have a lot of good words. But to see the action of the staff, the people that are working tirelessly, the way they brought it to life over the last two years has been incredible. I would encourage any sheriff's department or jail anywhere in this country to talk to Sheriff Swanson and see if they could bring the same program to life in their community and their state.”

That was all the affirmation Swanson needed.

“As a leader, you want to be validated that you're on the right path, you're making an impact, you're changing lives,” Swanson said, “And a guy like Harbaugh comes in and says that, and his (players) who’ve never met me? Today’s a win for this office.”

Contact Mason Young: Follow him on Twitter: @Mason_Young_0

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Michigan football, Jim Harbaugh inspired at Genesee County Jail