
The Internet is having fun with Kyler Murray’s ‘sports bra’

You can count on the Internet and social media to take something funny or odd and run with it.

Such is the case with a recent photo of Arizona Cardinals quarterback Kyler Murray. He was shirtless at practice but had what many believed was a sports bra.

That led to a meme that has been seen more than 7.8 million times.

You have to read the replies as well for more fun.

Why would Murray or any pro football player wear a sports bra?

Well, he was not, actually.

It was a GPS player tracker he was wearing without a shirt.

The Cardinals and football players all over the world use this for data tracking. Cardinals players wear them under their practice jerseys.

In this case, Murray was not wearing a jersey because he has not yet been cleared to practice. He is recovering from offseason ACL surgery.

The tracking vest gives players and teams data about movement, speed and is used to manage practice load and recovery.

Does it look odd being worn without a shirt or jersey? Certainly.

But is it a sports bra? No.

It is a player movement tracking vest.

But the Internet can have fun with it. Murray won’t be concerned.

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Story originally appeared on Cards Wire