
House Oversight Committee to subpoena Daniel Snyder

Early in Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee hearing regarding the Washington Commanders’ workplace environment, Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney announced that she is issuing a subpoena to compel Washington owner Daniel Snyder to testify in a deposition.

During her opening remarks, Representative Maloney noted Snyder’s absence, stating that “…rather than show up and take responsibility for his actions, he chose to skip town. Apparently, Mr. Snyder is in France, where he has docked his luxury yacht near a resort town.”

Later, when announcing the subpoena, Representative Maloney took further aim at the Washington owner: “Mr. Snyder’s refusal to testify sends a clear signal that he is more concerned about protecting himself than coming clean to the American public. If the NFL is unwilling to hold Mr. Snyder accountable, then I am prepared to do so.”

As the hearing began, a representative for Snyder issued a statement criticizing the Committee and the hearing, referring to it as a “show trial:”