
Give Harrison Butker credit for putting himself out there regardless of backlash | Letters

(Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports)
(Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports)

In this hypersensitive society of ours, very few public figures have the courage to openly state their views when they know they'll be met with significant backlash. So, whether you approve of the pro-Christian remarks of Kansas City Chief kicker Harrison Butker or not, I for one have to give him credit for putting himself out there, not caring a whit about the reaction of his owner or his teammates and/or whether it could cost him his job. There was a time when his comments would have been received with a chorus of Amens, but today it's called hatemongering. All the more reason to give him kudos for his bravery.

Jason Williams: Mahomes, Reid give First Amendment lesson by defending Harrison Butker

Stephen Stump, Edgewood, Ky.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker gets kudos for his bravery