
'It has been a good day': Phoenix Suns' Cam Johnson hosts second annual 3-on-3 tournament

Cam Johnson and the Phoenix Suns teamed up with Ability360 to host his second annual CJ23 Invitational 3-on-3 basketball tournament Saturday morning. It was a day packed with hoops, community and giving back.

This tournament was a way to connect with various people in the community, share the love of basketball and show that life is bigger than the sport of basketball.

Johnson, a Pittsburgh native, is focused on raising funds for The Kyle B Wilson Scholarship Fund and The Ozanam After School Program that operates out of the Hill District in Pittsburgh.

"I play a game for a living," Johnson said. "The fun thing that comes with that is I am gifted a platform I can use to the best of my abilities to give back and be present in the community."

Johnson added: "(I) want to show my face and give people a reason to smile and a reason to be happy. I take that on as my job and to be out here is a lot of fun for me."

Cam Johnson speaking to the media about CJ23 Invitational
Cam Johnson speaking to the media about CJ23 Invitational

The Kyle B Wilson Scholarship Fund honors Johnson's family friend, Kyle Wilson, who passed away in 2008. The fund keeps Kyle’s legacy alive by donating annual scholarships to families and students that need assistance.

"His passing happened when I was in seventh grade and it was the first time, I lost someone really close to me," Johnson said. "He was great, comes from a great family and we are still close family friends. To be able to keep his legacy alive and give back to the scholarship fund to me, feels very good."

The Ozanam After School Program helps the youth of the Pittsburgh athletically and academically. The program offers students academic help, sporting opportunities and provides students with daily meals.

A close family friend, Darelle Porter — who played college ball with Johnson's father — is heavily involved with Ozanam and helps the youth stay out of trouble.

"For years, Darelle is out there in the streets helping these kids every day." Johnson said. "It is great work that they do and, in the future, we are looking to donate school supplies, iPads and laptops to the organization."

People of all ages showed up to participate and watch the tournament. Johnson observed, talked to everyone, took pictures, signed autographs and sat down in the bleachers to have conversations.

“Obviously, the event can’t run without people willing to participate and it has been fun to watch, fun to interact with everyone and everyone has been great," Johnson said.

"I am a big fan of Cam," St. Vincent De Paul player Terry Riley said. "I appreciate everything that he is doing and obviously he is bigger than basketball. Stuff like this, kids will look up to and always remember, even the adults."

The CJ23 Invitational 3-on-3 basketball tournament was inspired by Johnson's high school friend Derek McMonagle.

McMonagle founded his own event, the DMac Invitational 3v3 tournament, that was successful for a couple years in a row. At the time, when Johnson decided to put together a tournament, they were living together, so they hosted a tournament together in Pittsburgh and put it under Johnson’s name.

In 26 days, Johnson put together his first 3-on-3 tournament.

Johnson expressed that he had a huge support system his whole life and parents that were always present. He understands that not every kid is blessed with constant support, but believes through his tournament and the money raised, he can show there is someone who cares.

"I grew up in a rougher neighborhood so I appreciate when people give back," Better Business Bureau player Michael Lluvela said. “It is great that he is using the "power" he has to for a greater good."

In the future, Johnson hopes the tournament will grow and he will be able to continue to use his passion of basketball to impact communities. Johnson will never forget about his community who helped him and will continue to pay it forward just as so many did for him.

“I want to keep building, get better as a person and player and keep finding ways to give back to the community,” Johnson said. “There are so many people to thank and feel very blessed to be here. It has been a good day.”

The tournament will continue tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. and the champions will receive autographed shoes and tickets for a future Phoenix Suns basketball game.

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Phoenix Suns Cam Johnson raises funds for charity during CJ23 Invitational