
Glenn Hoddle responds to criticism in David Beckham's Netflix series

Glenn Hoddle responds to criticism in David Beckham's Netflix series

Glenn Hoddle insists he has no problem with David Beckham despite facing criticism in the former Manchester United star's recent Netflix documentary series.

Hoddle managed Beckham during his tenure as England manager between 1996 and 1999, including at the 1998 World Cup finals in France.

England's round-of-16 meeting with Argentina in Saint-Etienne was perhaps the most famous moment of Hoddle's spell, with Beckham sent-off for kicking out at Diego Simeone.

Beckham then faced a huge backlash from angry supporters who believed he let the country down after the Three Lions drew 2-2 and later lost on penalties.

The abuse he received was explored in a recent Netflix series looking into Beckham's life and career and both his mother and wife criticised Hoddle for making the player a scapegoat.

"It cost us, it cost us dearly," said Hoddle after the game after previously suggesting Beckham was not fully focused on football while his stardom was on the rise.

Beckham was sent off against Argentina - sparking a huge backlash (Getty Images)
Beckham was sent off against Argentina - sparking a huge backlash (Getty Images)

During the documentary, Beckham's mother Sandra said: "Glenn Hoddle said his head wasn’t in the right place [before Tunisia], didn’t he? I just put him on my hit list – people that upset me."

Wife Victoria added: "Glenn Hoddle didn’t come out and try to protect him. And how old was David, 23? You’re a kid at 23. Glenn Hoddle was a man.

"I wouldn’t say a man actually, he was an older person"

Speaking on talkSPORT, Hoddle responded simply wishing Beckham the best.

"I’ve got no problem with David. He was a fabulous player for me and one of the best players this country has produced," he said.

"I haven’t seen the documentary, I’ve got no worries with what he said. If it goes well, I wish him all the success.

"I believe his mum had a little dig at me. Well, my mum would have defended me to the hilt as well."