
Glasgow City 'haven't been good enough against top two' - Corsie

Glasgow City's absence from the Champions League next season will "hurt" manager Leanne Ross, according to Scotland captain and former City defender Rachel Corsie.

City are guaranteed a third-place finish in the SWPL and will therefore miss out on a spot in European football's top competition next term.

City have won nine of the last 10 league titles, and finishing outside of the top two is unfamiliar territory for Ross.

"I know Leanne and Leanne knows Glasgow City very well and she probably wanted to finish at least in second place," Corise told the BBC's Behind the Goals podcast.

"Knowing that's no longer possible will hurt her a lot.

"I just think they've not been good enough in the games against the top two and it's hurt them.

"They've lost the form and the momentum and the feeling of what it is like to be at City."