
Giants Joe Judge on his critics: No time for sunshine and rainbows

Joe Judge has faced a relentless avalanche of criticism in his early months as head coach of the New York Giants, much of it stemming from his perceived militant-like style of leadership.

Judge has his players and coaches running laps when they mess up, he won’t let players discuss their injuries publicly, he removed names from the back of player jerseys and he’s remarkably blunt.

That has rubbed some outside the organization the wrong way.

Judge doesn’t care.

“I’m doing everything in my own personality. I am not trying to imitate or emulate anybody,” Judge said during a Tuesday appearance on Keyshawn, JWill & Zubin. “It’s got to be genuine and it’s got to be sincere. You know how it is — if you lie to the players you’re going to lose them forever because they’ll see right through that.

“So I’m me and I think our players have a pretty good feel for who I am. I’m pretty straightforward with those guys. I don’t have a lot of time to mix fluff and try to make everything all sunshine and rainbows. I think that it’s my responsibility to tell them the straight truth so they can work on improving what they have to and we can get better as a team.”

While those outside of East Rutherford have spent their time expressing a critical opinion of what’s going on with the Giants, no one on the inside of East Rutherford has.

On the contrary, Giants players have offered up nothing but praise for Judge and the way he approaches coaching and how he develops one-on-one relationships with each member of his team. And in the end, their opinions are the only ones that carry any weight.


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