
Gary Neville and Glenn Hoddle warn Marcus Rashford he risks damaging career and reputation

Marcus Rashford - Gary Neville warns Marcus Rashford to ‘calm down’ before problems become ‘his personality’
Marcus Rashford has reportedly been fined around £650,000 following his night out in Belfast - Reuters/Carl Recine

Marcus Rashford has been urged to avoid allowing his career to “implode” and a stigma being attached to his name because of unruly off-field behaviour.

Gary Neville, the former Manchester United captain, and former England manager Glenn Hoddle have pleaded with Rashford not to let his recent troubles spiral out of control amid growing concern at Old Trafford about the striker’s antics.

Rashford, 26, is thought to have been fined two weeks’ wages - around £650,000 - after going out partying on successive nights in Belfast last week only to report ill the next day when due back in training.

The Sun have alleged that the United and England striker went on a “12-hour tequila drinking spree” in the Northern Irish capital and had to be put to bed after passing out at 3am.

United announced in a statement on Monday night that Rashford had “accepted responsibility for his actions” after a crisis meeting with manager Erik ten Hag and football director John Murtough that was also attended by his brother and agent, Dwaine Maynard.

Rashford, who was too unwell to train on Friday and Saturday, had tried to placate Ten Hag by offering to travel to south Wales on Sunday morning and play in the FA Cup against Newport County.

But Ten Hag rejected Rashford’s suggestion and the player was ordered to train at Carrington instead.

Despite missing the 4-2 win over Newport and angering some team-mates with his actions, Rashford remains available for selection for Thursday’s trip to Molineux to face Wolverhampton Wanderers in the Premier League.

But Hoddle has warned Rashford that he risks waking up one day and wondering what happened to his career if he does not rethink his ways.

“A little bit of advice from me would be to cast your mind back to that day when he made his debut [in 2016], when it was all fresh and everything was in front of you,” Hoddle told the Daily Mail. “Now, for whatever reason, he may be just rebelling a little bit and he is not happy in some way, shape or form.

“He needs to take his mind back to those days when it was pure, playing for United and it’s unbelievable, everything is hunky dory, and he’ll get himself out of the mode he’s in.

“Because there’s a road I could take him down and that’s in two or three years’ time when he’s playing somewhere else, not at his best and he’s imploded because he’s got the wrong habits, got in the wrong scenarios.

“It’s his choice, which one do you choose? When he’s 31, he’ll look back and go ‘what was I thinking?’”

‘I’ve always seen Marcus as being really responsible’

Neville says Rashford has always struck him as a “really responsible” and “good professional” but says it is important the England international does not allow his name to become associated with episodes like that in Belfast.

Earlier in the season, Rashford was reprimanded by Ten Hag after going out until the early hours after the 3-0 derby defeat to Manchester City when he had training later that morning and Neville has told the striker not to allow it to become a theme.

“Marcus himself knows - he’s an experienced player now, we’re not talking about a young lad - but he’s done it a couple of times in the last few months,” Neville told BBC Breakfast.

“I’ve always seen Marcus as being really responsible, a good professional and someone who works hard every single day.

“I know he’s going through a dip in form at this moment in time but it’s happened twice and it can sometimes become your personality if you’re not careful.

“If you do it too many times people can start saying, ‘What’s happening in his life?’ He just needs to relax, calm down, choose when to go out and get back to playing football at the levels we know he can.”

Marcus Rashford during Manchester United's draw with Tottenham
Rashford is available for selection for Manchester United's game at Wolves - Reuters/Carl Recine

Rashford’s off field issues have been replicated on the pitch where he has scored just four times for United this season, having been the club’s top scorer last term with 30.

Neville believes there is nothing wrong with a footballer letting their hair down on occasion but believes it is imperative they do it at the right moments.

“To me, going out for a drink or going out for a night out is something that every football player will do and should do so I’ve got no problem with that whatsoever,” Neville added. “They need to enjoy themselves.

“It’s just all about choices and timing. Manchester United have just had a winter break. They’ve had a couple of weeks off so there was a better moment for him to choose to go out. I would say, go out and have your moment where you relax with your friends, but your timing has to be right.”

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