
Five reasons why Colorado will be better than people think

The Colorado Buffaloes are predicted to be not very good this season, with many outsiders predicting between 3-4 wins.

Athlon Sports has the Buffaloes ranked low to start the season. College Football News believes CU’s difficult schedule will be a major roadblock standing in the way of more wins. Overall, everyone seems to be down on the state of the Buffs and head coach Karl Dorrell.

Well, we’re here to convince you that those gloomy predictions are overblown. CU has the protentional to be a darkhorse team this year that surprises not only in the Pac-12 but on the national stage as well.

Colorado weathered some of the transfer exodus

From late December into mid-January, the Buffaloes lost four playmakers to the transfer portal: Mark Perry, Christian Gonzalez, Brenden Rice and Mekhi Blackmon. Adding the March loss of Dimitri Stanley, the Buffs were reeling from all the movement.

They have countered this by adding serious talent in Josh Chandler-Semedo, RJ Sneed, Tommy Brown, Maddox Kopp and Luke Eckardt. Also, you can include the JUCO signees of Isaac Hurtado, Chance Main and Jeremy Mack. Colorado has countered that initial shock pretty well by adding talent through the transfer portal.

Dorrell has an improved staff

Karl Dorell has gotten the opportunity to remake his staff to his liking. Chris Wilson has risen up the ranks during his time at Colorado since he was brought in on Dorrell’s initial staff. Wilson has an impressive resume that includes stops at Colorado (2000-04), Oklahoma, Mississippi State, Georgia, USC and in the NFL with the Cardinals and Eagles. He will be entering his second season as defensive coordinator and has been given the green light to make the switch to the 4-3.

Mike Sanford was hand-picked by Dorrell this offseason and seems to align with his offensive philosophies. Both coaches favor the run and the use of the tight end in the passing game so we could start to see this cohesion elevate that unit as a whole.

Assistant coaches Phil McGeoghan, Rod Chance and Kyle DeVan received very positive feedback after they were added in the offseason as each brings impressive resumes to Colorado, especially McGeoghan

The lines looks better

The Buffaloes should be an improved unit on both sides of the trenches this year. Starting on the defensive side, Colorado has put together a laundry list of big men to anchor the middle of its remade defense. Names such as Terrance Lang, Jalen Sami and Na’im Rodman will be plugging the holes in the run game, giving CU’s rush ends and linebackers more room the snuff out the run and pass.

Colorado’s offensive line is starting the resemble the 10 a.m. Saturday morning power running games of the Big Eight. As we noted in our offensive breakdown, the line is much bigger than we’ve seen in recent history. Will this improve their record? Maybe, but it will certainly allow a better run game…

There will be more focus on the run

You can see with the hires and where the focus has been this offseason that CU could return to its run-heavy past that grounds opponents under the Buffs’ hooves. Dorrell loves the run game. Sanford loves the run game. I love the run game.

Let those hog mollies get out there and eat the defense. We should see an improved running attack behind a good offensive line and some really good young talent at the RB position. I have been very impressed with the way the staff has attacked the tight end position in recent recruiting classes and this should only help the running game more. They’re now able to play multiple tight end fronts that allow for a better rushing attack that can also hide the passing game behind these power forward-looking tight ends.

We're expecting a more modern offense

I may have to commit my first mea culpa writing for the site, as in my offensive breakdown I named JT Shrout as not only my predicted starter but my breakout star of the QB group. Given recent news, this may already be wrong, as Brendon Lewis is in the proverbial driver’s seat according to Dorrell.

As I noted in a previous article, this seems to be a bit of adaption to the modern spread option look that has taken over the college game. If Dorrell and Sanford can keep their power run game intact while sprinkling in this option look, Colorado’s run game could take a drastic step forward this season and help us in grinding away a few extra victories this season.

Story originally appeared on Buffaloes Wire