
Their first date was at a Brewers game. On this Opening Day, they got engaged while tailgating by the ballpark.

If it rains on your wedding day, that's apparently good luck. And, we're going to go ahead and say the same applies to proposals.

Seven years ago, Milwaukeeans Brooke Sobczak and Anthony Yanke went to a Brewers game for their first date. On Tuesday, they got engaged by the ballpark before heading in for the home opener.

The two met through friends back in high school. At the time, Sobczak was attending Whitnall and Yanke was at Pius XI.

Milwaukeeans Brooke Sobczak and Anthony Yanke got engaged outside the Brewers ballpark ahead of the home opener on April 2, 2024.
Milwaukeeans Brooke Sobczak and Anthony Yanke got engaged outside the Brewers ballpark ahead of the home opener on April 2, 2024.

Brewers games have become a tradition for the couple. So, when it came time to propose, Yanke wanted to recreate that first date of theirs.

On Tuesday afternoon, Sobczak, Yanke and their families tailgated as rain fell and temps were in the 30s.

"I mean, the weather wasn't ideal, but still," Yanke said.

"They say rain is good luck," Sobczak chimed in.

While grilling, Yanke distracted Sobczak. Then, each of their parents got into place and held up signs that together read: "Will you marry me?"

Sobczak saw the signs, then turned around to find Yanke down on one knee. Spoiler alert: She said yes.

"This is how I ever dreamed of it," Sobczak said.

Sobczak did have a feeling something was up, she said, but didn't guess it was this.

Later, inside the ballpark, Sobczak said she was feeling "happy." And, Yanke? "Ecstatic."

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Milwaukee Brewers fans get engaged while tailgating outside ballpark