
Facing the Astros in biggest game of the season, Gray has worst start

During Monday's workout day, Twins Game 3 starter Sonny Gray reduced his Tuesday outing to this:

"A big thing for me is me vs. you. I'm going to challenge you," he said. "I'm going to come at you with my best stuff. If you get me, you get me. If I get you, I get you."

The Astros got him in Game 3.

Gray and the Twins trailed 4-0 in the first inning before any members of the home team ever picked up a bat. The Twins never came close to digging out of that hole, losing 9-1.

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Astros slugger José Abreu got Gray better than most, with a three-run homer with one out after leadoff hitter Jose Altuve already had scored.

Gray picked the wrong time for that first inning from which his team never recovered. It was the first home run he allowed in a first inning this season. Coming into Game 3, Gray had given up three first-inning earned runs all season. The Astros put three earned on him in the first 10 minutes, plus an unearned (Alex Kirilloff error at first).

Later, Astros third baseman Alex Bregman led off the fifth inning with a homer, too, marking the first time Gray allowed two in one game this season.

Gray lasted four innings, throwing 83 pitches.

For Gray to get a chance at redemption, and another start in the postseason, the Twins will need to win the next two games in this series and advance to the ALCS.

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Read more postgame coverage of Twins-Astros Game 3 at