
Everything Michigan football OC Sherrone Moore said in his fall camp press conference

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Michigan football is inching closer and closer to the start of the 2023 season and is now seven practices into fall camp. The season is but three weeks away, and the Wolverines are working to get their offense into the fashion they’ve designed during the offseason.

Jim Harbaugh said earlier this offseason that the intention is to be more balanced. On Thursday, offensive coordinator Sherrone Moore indicated that is, indeed, the case.

Moore met with reporters at Schembechler Hall for his first media availability previewing the 2023 season. Here is everything he had to say in his nearly 20-minute media availability.

On LaDarius Henderson having skills at guard and tackle

<a class="link " href="" data-i13n="sec:content-canvas;subsec:anchor_text;elm:context_link" data-ylk="slk:Joe;sec:content-canvas;subsec:anchor_text;elm:context_link;itc:0">Joe</a> Rondone-The Arizona Republic
Joe Rondone-The Arizona Republic

Yeah, I think it is a process that he’s working through. He’s attacking, very excited about LaDarius and the progress he’s made just in the seven practices we’ve had with him. It’s something that you’re gonna have your ups and downs and it’s gonna be something that you’re gonna have to just keep working out. But he’s definitely made a great transition to us, just being here in the summer and now I’m just excited to have him and excited where he’s at right now.

On Michigan football having 10 starting offensive linemen for five spots

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

Yeah, I mean, competition only makes you better. So the more guys that are playing at a high level, the better. And it just keeps breeding high energy, keeps breeding the preparation, keeps breeding the passion and the physicality that we want at every position. So I want those guys to just keep striving to be the starter.

Right now I feel like we have 10 guys, 11-12 that we can play in the game. So we’re just super excited about the depth — this is most depth we’ve had. And kind of keep rolling and excited for what the next couple of days and how the days of training camp are evolving.

How has Zak Zinter evolved as a leader as well as physically?

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

Oh, just the way he studies the game now is at a different level. He’s taken offseason studies. He’s taken his off-the-field studies to a different level. And he understands what the goal at hand is for him individually (as well as) as a team. So he’s played at a really high level. And you can see he’s just really  started where he left off, and is just quiet, super confident, and having fun and having the time of his life right now.

Evaluating and balancing the incumbent tackles and the incoming transfers

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

You just turn on the film — who’s playing better, who’s playing better, who’s who’s more locked in on their assignments? Who’s playing more physical, playing more dominant? And it’s a very healthy competition right now. We’ve got four star tackles and we’ll see who the first two are in the first couple of games, first game. And we’ll see there but very excited about where they’re all at, and the steps that they’re taking to be to be dominant players.

Balancing the offensive line in general

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

Yeah, I think the biggest thing for us right now, the competition is needed. It’s wanted. We mix guys up in practice, but how they study together, how they hang out off the field together, it’s just as important as how they play together. So those guys are super close. I feel like the transfers have been here for so long. Already, those guys have built a niche and really bonded together. So there’s always — we want to get the feel of who’s in, who’s there with the guys who are next to you. But it feels like, regardless of the guys that are in there, they’ve got a good bond already (as a group) so we’re just gonna take it a day at a time.

Roman Wilson's progress as a wide receiver

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

Roman’s had a phenomenal camp. Just very excited for what he can do this year, and how he’s going to impact the offense. Obviously, the injuries have hindered him, but he’s been healthy and ready to go. So just super excited for him and the progress he’s made.

Does Wilson have an extra gear we haven't seen?

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

You’re gonna see what you saw throughout the year when he was playing. He’s gonna be extremely consistent. He’s gonna do is do what is asked to do. And he’s taken it to a new level because of the leadership role and experience he has now. So as you play more games, you get better. And I think he’s really done that and you can see the confidence and the twinkle in his eye when he’s in the game. He’s got a little bit of swagger, understands the game more, understands the offense now. In plays, he turns it off a little bit. So I’m excited to see him as a receiver this year.

Blake Corum's attitude returning from injury

Photo by: Isaiah Hole
Photo by: Isaiah Hole

Yeah, Blake is phenomenal. Blake has been phenomenal. This offseason, he just worked, worked and worked and worked. And now he’s at the point where it feels like he’s back. You know, yesterday, he made comments and he feels like he’s got his groove back. And just excited to watch him and Dono and just watch them spread their wings and continue to do what they’ve been doing in training camp, because they’re both feeling really good, they’re feeling healthy, obviously, we’re gonna make sure that they’re all the way through and ready to go, which I feel like they are now so we’re just gonna keep taking it day by day.

J.J. McCarthy getting in-rhythm with his receivers

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

Yeah, I mean, I think the big thing with the offense is we’re going to be conceptual and do things. If we’re going to fit people where we want them, week-by-week, it could be at receiver, it could be a tight end could be anybody. So I think all offenses you want — I think a quarterback has a person who goes to when things break down. Last year, obviously, (that player) was Ronnie. This year, he’s got a lot of outlets. So we’re gonna see who that person is. Do I know who it is yet? No. And really don’t want to have one person that the defense is holding on anyway. So we want to be very multiple and allow all the guys to shine and feed everybody in different situations.

What AJ Barner brings to the table

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

Yeah, he’s been outstanding. First of all, he’s huge. He’s a giant human being. Phenomenal kid, phenomenal person, does everything right. But he’s been outstanding. Because when you’re on the edge and you’re blocking, Jaylen Harrell and Kris Jenkins and all those other guys, whoever’s out there, it’s like, you can hold up, it’s pretty impressive.

And then in the pass game, he’s so big, and he’s so fluid and so agile, so agile, he gives you another threat in the passing game that you can’t say, ‘Oh, yeah, he’s in the game, you’re gonna run the ball.’ So he’s been extremely valuable. He’s gonna allow very multiple things with him. So very excited about that.

Is the plan to be balanced between the run and the pass?

Donovan Edwards
Photo by: Isaiah Hole

Absolutely. Yeah, we want to be 50-50. I think there’s gonna be games where that might not happen. We might see that the defenses solely (focus) on taking one thing away, we might do the other. But we want to be as balanced as possible, with sets, with the formations, how we do things, making everything look the same. So very conscious of that when we’re putting together the game plans. And that’s something we’re very focused on doing throughout training camp.

The ceiling for Colston Loveland

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

That dude’s a beast. I don’t know if there is one, he can be as good as he wants to be. He could be the best one in the country. And I know there’s one down there down in Georgia who’s been extremely good. And he’s a phenomenal player. But just very excited to see where Colston is and his progress. What he’s done already in training camp, he’s already gotten bigger, he’s already gotten stronger. He’s already gotten faster. He understands where everything is in the offense now so you’re not spoon-feeding him everything. You’re throwing it all out to him and he gets it and just very excited to see him and where he goes.

So he can be as good as anybody in the country. So I think he’s an extraordinary player and just excited to have the year with him.

What kind of receiver is he looking for in this offense?

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

Really, with all the receivers we don’t really want a type. We want them all to be fast. We want them to all be playmakers, be able to run after the catch. To all be explosive. We don’t want to have a guy that’s thought as a possession guy. We want everybody to be explosive.

The goal is the offense if the ball touches your hand, you should be able to take it to the house. So all those guys are doing an extremely great job. Tyler Morris is obviously doing a phenomenal job. You know, we got C.J., we got Roman. We got Tyler. You got these young guys, you got Darrius Clemons, these young freshmen they’re just making plays. Fred Moore, Karmello English, Semaj Morgan, those guys are extremely explosive and they’re just making plays day by day.

So we’re just going to see what happens throughout the process and see who steps up to, when it’s game time, who’s ready to go.

What does Jack Tuttle bring to the table?

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

Yeah, Jack’s been awesome. First of all, being an experienced guy that played in the Big Ten. He knows that J.J. is the guy. But he’s just coming with a great attitude, experience, the leadership qualities that you want as a guy that has played high-level football. And he’s just been a guy that you can count on in every second and every mode, and he’s just been awesome to be around. So just excited for him. And obviously, he’s very talented, has a strong arm, can run. So very multiple in what he can do so just happy to have Jack here in the program with us, too.

Ben Herbert's impact

ben herbert michigan
Photo: Isaiah Hole

Yeah, I mean, it’s really untouchable the things he’s done for the program and things he’s done for the line of scrimmage on both sides for us. He’s the best strength coach in the country. It’s not close. And what he’s done for this program is, it’s just undeniable. And, I praise — any second I can praise coach Herbert and his staff, I tell him they are the best in the country. I mean, they even help the coaches. The coaches get sore, roll this out, I got good bad elbow, bent arm, shoulders, hamstrings, you know, they’re getting their — get stretched back. But, they’re outstanding. They’re exceptional in every way, shape, or form, and just excited that they’re a part of our program.

Watching Zak Zinter's battles in camp with Kris Jenkins

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

Oh, some physical battles, they are some grown men, two guys are gonna be playing at the next level for a long time that are battling. And it’s give and take, it’s give and take with the defense as a whole. Offense, defense is give and take, and the individual battles, it’s just physical, it’s not combative. It’s just competitive. So it’s really awesome to see. One guy will win one, and another one guy will win another one. But they’re always just battling each other, working. And so it’s awesome. Awesome to watch that competitiveness in the practice, and happy that on game day we’re not going against Kris.

Zak Zinter's proposal that Michigan have a formation with 10 linemen and one running back

Sherrone Moore
Sherrone Moore

Yeah, you know, I did. Every day, the linemen are sending me plays and formations I’m like, ‘You guys just worry about what you got to do,’ but I love that they’re conceptually like trying to understand — and they really do — they conceptually understand the offense. So that we’ll talk about down the road. And but yeah, they’re wild.

Sometimes they do (have good ideas). Sometimes we will talk about some of them that maybe get implemented or not, but they do have good ideas. Most of them are well thought out. Some of them are just thrown against the wall. And most of them are well thought out.

Does he have a take on conference realignment?

(Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images)
(Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images)

I don’t. It’s so crazy. Because like, people start talking about it and I’m like, ‘Who? What? They’re joining the B1G? Who?’ And I’m like, I don’t know, I like I’m just so focused on the team, and what we’re doing now, like, I can’t be bothered at all that. I’m not worried about it. I’m really just worried about this team, and we’re about this day and how we can prepare, because we gotta go against our defense. So I think it’s one of the best in the country and dealing with all the things that they can throw at us. I got no time to think about conference realignment right now. Because when I go home, I probably just want to watch TV and watch a show and feel normal for a little bit. I’ll turn on Hard Knocks tonight and try to watch that. So yeah, so there’s not really much I can give you from that point.

Will Donovan Edwards line up at WR with Blake Corum at RB?

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

I can’t tell you that, right? But Donovan practices at a high level. Just — he can do it all. So we’re just going to really get the best players the ball, we’re going to put them in the right position. Every game, he’ll be different places. So, you saw last year he lined up as a wideout and lined up in the backfield. He caught the ball out of the backfield and caught the ball at wideout and we’ll continue to do different things to showcase his talents and get the best players the ball at the times we need to.

Why developing the passing game is important for out of conference games

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

Yeah, I mean, that goes back to being balanced. We have to be able to throw the ball at times, we have to be able to be balanced, to do those things to win the games that we want to win. And we understand that, we know that and I think our staff has done an unbelievable job. Really big shout out to them. Coach Campbell, Coach Newsome, Coach Bellamy, Coach Hart — all the support staff that we have — all the research and things we’ve done throughout the offseason, to really hone in on what we’re doing, and how we’re doing it and attacking the passing game. And they’ve done an outstanding job in putting this plan together. And it’s just really fun to watch. And see the evolution of how these guys are really talented. And they just come up with confidence, every practice, and that’s really great kudos to them and how they’re attacking it every day.

And in recruiting?

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole

I mean, to a point, but at the end of the day, I think Michigan sells who we (are) ourselves and winning. So we gotta go win. That’s the biggest tool recruiting you can have — you win, you get the best, you’ll get more players. So we’re gonna just continue to do what we have to do to win-win football games and take it from there.

More on balance

michigan tight ends coach sherrone moore
Photo: Isaiah Hole

I think you always want to be balanced. I think you don’t want to give tells what you’re doing. So it’s just a conscious effort of knowing what you want to do and how you want to do it. Then when you format it, format the plan to be that balance.

Can he comment on the potential NCAA suspensions?

Photo: Isaiah Hole
Photo: Isaiah Hole


Story originally appeared on Wolverines Wire