
Will ‘Dancing on My Own' make a comeback for Phillies in 2024? Stott, Stubbs chime in

Will ‘Dancing on My Own' make a comeback for Phillies in 2024? Stott, Stubbs chime in originally appeared on NBC Sports Philadelphia

It became the 2022 playoff anthem for the Phillies' magical run that ended in a World Series appearance.

After numerous implications that it would be left with the previous season, it made a surprising comeback in 2023 … that just so happened to coincide with the team pulling itself out of a slump.

While some say third time is the charm … that may not be the case for the Calum Scott cover that has been heavily tied the Phillies' identity over the past two years.

During the first Red October Philadelphia had seen in 11 years, "Dancing on My Own" became so loved by players and fans that it quickly became the team's anthem. While there are plenty of good memories linked to the song, there are also a few (big) glaring ones that could outweigh them.

The song sparks moments of joy surrounding back-to-back playoff runs, a World Series appearance and monumental highlights that have been solidified in franchise history.

It also reminds many of the club falling two wins short of a title and a Game 7 loss at home in the NLCS.

Severely contrasting pros and cons.

So, is there any chance it'll return in 2024?

NBC Sports Philadelphia's John Clark spoke with Bryson Stott down in Clearwater and asked if it'll make a comeback.

"I don't think so," Stott said during the Takeoff podcast. "We did say that last year but we did stink at the beginning. We kept saying second place is better than last place, what we were in.

"I don't know. If we find something new that is just as catchy, I think we'll change it but we'll see what our DJ has to say about that."

Speaking of the clubhouse DJ, Garrett Stubbs recently had an interview with billboard, where he discussed the history of the song and if it has any future with the Phillies.

"So last year, we tried to get rid of 'Dancing on My Own.' Which didn’t go very well at the beginning of the season," the catcher said. "And so we ended up putting that back on. …

"We try to stay away from the superstition part. Like, playing 'Dancing on My Own' after wins isn’t a superstition for us — it’s just a good vibe.

"We tried to get rid of [the song] last year. And I don’t even wanna use the words 'get rid of,' but we tried to move on from it and find something new and fresh. And we ended up reverting back to it.

"I think the fans have certain feelings about bringing it back in 2024, which I totally understand — when you don’t win the World Series, a lot of fans feel like it’s not a success. And us players feel the same way, too. But there has been a lot of success — not just with the song, but with the team for the past few years — so we do have a lot of really good memories, and I hope that eventually we just do find a new song that gives us a good vibe and a new good energy that people can connect with."

It seems like the fate of this song is very much up in the air for the upcoming season .. but it's clearly not off the table.

Perhaps it'll drift into the middle of the pack in the clubhouse playlist, rather than taking the helm for another year.

We'll just have to wait and see what unfolds come Opening Day (which is just a little over a month away).

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