
Dana White addresses UFC Coronavirus (COVID-19) response

Dana White on UFC coronavirus response
Dana White on UFC coronavirus response

The UFC made the move to close the doors on this weekend's UFC on ESPN+ 28: Lee vs. Oliveira event in Brasilia, Brazil, after local officials restricted any public gatherings of more than 100 people.

There will also be another series of moves by the UFC, shifting events from their original locations to its own APEX facility in Las Vegas, perhaps without an audience there, as well.

UFC president Dana White released a video statement on the company's coronavirus response late Thursday:

"We have been closely monitoring the situation with the coronavirus and its potential impact on the health and safety of UFC athletes, staff, and fans around the world. We're moving forward with all our live UFC events, but we're going to adapt to these unprecedented circumstances."

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TRENDING > ONE Championship closes door on all events until at least May 29 because of coronavirus

The World Health Organization has the following advice for the public to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) :

Wash your hands frequently

  • Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.

Maintain social distancing

  • Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

  • Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.

Practice respiratory hygiene

  • Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.

  • Why? Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19.

If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early

  • Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority.

  • Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections.

Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider

  • Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19. Follow advice given by your healthcare provider, your national and local public health authority or your employer on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

  • Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on whether COVID-19 is spreading in your area. They are best placed to advise on what people in your area should be doing to protect themselves.

The Center for Disease Control also warns that older adults and people who have severe underlying chronic medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness. Please consult with your health care provider about additional steps you may be able to take to protect yourself.

For more information on preventing the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19):