
Cavaliers’ JB Bickerstaff offers unconditional support of Emoni Bates after ugly incident in G League

ORLANDO, Fla. — Cleveland Cavaliers coach JB Bickerstaff offered his full support for Emoni Bates on Monday after the rookie was suspended by the G League.

Bates and teammate Gabe Osabuohien were suspended for two games for entering the spectator stands at the conclusion of the Cleveland Charge’s 126-105 road loss to the Birmingham Squadron at Legacy Arena.

Bickerstaff said the team has talked with Bates about the incident.

I want to be clear about the circumstances of that, and I don’t think it has been clear: It was an ugly incident from the fan’s standpoint. Emoni and Gabe, they draw the attention and I understand the league’s hard and fast rule on approaching the stands and that type of thing, but there is also a line that needs to be drawn between how fans believe they can interact with players and how they can interact with players’ families and the things that were said to Emoni and his family. I understand Emoni being upset, and Gabe going to protect Emoni in that situation.

The exact details of the incident are unavailable, and there is limited video available to show what transpired in the stands. The two players, who will serve their suspensions starting on Monday, eventually returned to the court to shake hands with members of the Squadron.

Bickerstaff called on the league to protect players from similar incidents.

I want to make it clear: What happened from the fan perspective was ugly and there is no place in our game for the things that those fans were saying. It is to a point where they’re words that I won’t even repeat because that is how disgusting and vile it was. I understand the league’s rule and where they stand, but I also understand a guy wants to protect his mother, and a teammate wanting to protect him. I talked to Emoni and let him know we’ve got his back and are still supporting him.

Bates signed a two-way contract after the Cavaliers drafted him with the 49th pick last year out of Eastern Michigan. He has spent most of the season with the Charge, averaging 24.7 points, 5.3 rebounds, 1.9 assists and 1.3 steals on 42% shooting from 3-point range in 15 games.

Story originally appeared on Rookie Wire