
Brayden Locher, Phelan had big final Saturday at All-American Soap Box Derby

Jul. 28—Brayden Locher ran within .018 of a second of winning a second straight rally stock championship in the 85th First Energy All-American Soap Box Derby World Championship.

The Owensboro soapbox standout was in the championship race for the second straight year, and it was the third straight year Locher had made the semifinals.

"He led race at 3/4 of the track, I was like this can't be happening twice," said Stephen Locher, Brayden's dad. Both were looking at winning a second world championship when they went to Akron, Ohio, as part of a 12-person contingent that went to the Soap Box Derby from Owensboro.

Violet Phelan was one of those 12, and she finished fourth in the local stock world championship.

Drew Meyer, Sadie Meyer, Ryan Locher Addison Locher, Carson Locher, Zanayea Tague, Zack Gordon, Dawson Gordon, Kierra Johnson, and Benji Edds were the other Owensboro racers in Akron, Ohio.

The Locher team's experience with the rally stock car was tested during the week.

"He was driving his lines, he knew the goal was to win another championship," Stephen said. "That was his personal goal. The car seemed sluggish, we tried some things that didn't work in the beginning of the week. It wouldn't roll way we wanted it to, the way we know how chasis could roll."

After an All-Star race during the week where racers with the most wins throughout the country were running, the Lochers changed the setup of the car.

"In the All-Star race, when that setup didn't work we immediately went back to the world championship setup from last year," Stephen said. "We went back in our notes, changed some things, after that the car took off like a rocket. We went back to the basics of what we knew would work."

Brayden raced four times Saturday, the championship against two other racers.

Weather has an effect throughout the day on the gravity track, and the draw for lanes was important. Brayden drew into the slowest of the three lanes in the championship race.

Brayden was second by that slim margin to Samantha Hoagey from Florida.

"He was disappointed, but he showed great sportsmanship," Stephen said. "I think I took it worst than he did."

Violet Phelan also had a big week in Akron.

"She competed in the local rally race, won that, qualified for Akron," said Bo Phelan, Violet's dad. "On Tuesday in Akron they had a local challengers, she did well, she was undefeated in first round. On Saturday, she drew hot lane all day long. She was doing really well, and she ended up in the fourth through sixth raace. She only lost to two people all weekend. She's already talked about going back next year, doing rally races, there are plenty of races around here."

The Phelans got involved with Soap Box Derby via Josh Meyer and his family, who have been long time friends. The Meyers are very active in Owensboro Soap Box racing, and Josh is always trying to grow participation locally.

"We are not super deep in soap box, Josh Meyer was the brains behind it," Bo Phelan said. "He knows what he's doing, I just try to make his life easier when he's working on the car.

"We were invited to get into this, and from the word go Josh took care of us. He loves it. Josh is very generous to let Violet run in that car. It's a fast car."

The Phelan family got to see what a major deal the All-American Soap Box Derby is for racers.

"They do so many things right," Bo said. "What jumped out at me was everyone of those officials all called the all the kids champs. They are all champs."