
Fake Project Runway: WTA finalists dress up in Istanbul

The season finale of "Project Runway" and the annual WTA Championships "prom photo" all in the same week? It's a grand confluence of fashion! Join us as our fake Project Runway judges critique the outfits worn by the seven WTA finalists. (Victoria Azarenka was not included.) We'll begin on the left and move right across the picture.

Sam Stosur

Michael Kors says: "The pattern of three circles on the dress look like you just came from the Magic Kingdom. And the tassels? Oh honey, even Gaddafi knew to limit those to one or two."

Petra Kvitova

Nina Garcia says: "This works for me. Dressing tall and athletic women is a real challenge and, I have to say, you succeeded. She looks comfortable. I don't even mind the Bedazzling so much because the tailoring and silhouette are so fashion forward.

Caroline Wozniacki

Michael Kors says: "Hubba hubba. This could have gone 'Purple Rain' bad but instead it's a vision. Watch out Rory McIlroy, this one could even turn me.

Maria Sharapova

Heidi Klum says: "It's very matronly. Who is this girl supposed to be? Where is she going? [Michael Kors: 'A hippie funeral?'] And why does her dress make her look so sad? Here you have a beautiful girl and she's all covered up. I do love the shoes though. Can I try them on?" (Heidi gets the shoes, elbows Maria and runs from the studio.)

Li Na

Nina Garcia says: "Love the styling, hate the dress. Hate. The. Dress. I couldn't shoot this for the magazine; it's much too busy. Much. Too. Busy. (Purses lips.) This could have worked, Josh, but you need to remember to edit. Edit. It has tassles and rhinestones and beads and buttons and her fingernails are painted and she's wearing a large watch and it's all too much."

Vera Zvonareva

Michael Kors says: "All I want to do is look at her blue eyes but -- aaaaaah! -- that belt! Oh my goodness, it looks like the lining to my grandmother's old pocketbook! The dress is beautiful -- bea -- uu -- ti -- ful -- and it's ruined -- RUINED! -- by that belt.

Nina Garcia says: "I sort of liked the belt."

Agnieszka Radwanska

Heidi Klum says: "You're dressed like one of those girls who carry beer at Oktoberfest. What do you call them in English? [Michael Kors: 'Beer wench.'] Yes, beer wench. We call them dirndl. And those earrings look like something my daughter would make in arts and crafts."