
VOD: Marcus Allen gives USC a pep talk

Today’s Video of the Day comes from USC and great running back Marcus Allen.

USC hosts Arizona on Thursday – the Trojans’ first game without coach Lane Kiffin – and Allen decided to stop by and give the team a little pep talk.

It’s one of the best 4 minutes you’ll spend today.

“We have a unique opportunity for a fresh start,” Allen said. “A clean slate to write a resume that will be impressive. A resume that can make history, guys. And it’s up to you.

“What kind of resume are you guys going to write from this point on? Is it going to be a good one? Is it going to be a great one? Is it going to be an average one? We have set the bar high and we’re never going to lower it for anybody. It is up to you guys to not only reach and go beyond that, set a new standard, but it starts with kicking ass out there. You guys please – I implore you, I beg you – take advantage of this opportunity to be great. But there’s only one way to do it – go and get it and don’t let nobody stop you from reaching your potential or your dream.”

Whether interim head coach Ed Orgeron asked Allen to come to speak with his team or whether Allen volunteered his services, this is the kind of positive reinforcement USC needs heading into this new phase of their season. Yes, the Trojans are 0-2 in conference play, but that’s hardly insurmountable. And with three wins this season, a bowl game – even a good bowl game – is attainable.

While some players appreciated Allen’s words:

We’ll see if they actually mean anything Thursday night against Arizona.

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