
BatStone #2 to showcase Hearthstone’s Gadgetzan expansion

BatStone #2 (Twitter/@firebat)
BatStone #2 will highlight Gadgetzan (Twitter/@firebat)

It won’t take long for Hearthstone fans to see how the new Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion will impact the pro scene. On Tuesday, James ‘Firebat’ Kostesich revealed that he would be returning with the second of his ongoing BatStone tournament series, presented by Amazon.

Kostesich has posted early details on r/hearthstone. While the first Batstone tournament focused on banning specific cards from play via player and community voting, this one will instead ask the community how many Mean Streets of Gadgetzan cards will be required for player decks.

The voting will be open until December 4, two days before BatStone #2 is scheduled to begin. Participants and brackets have not yet been revealed, but Kostesich will be on casting duty, alongside Paul ‘Zalae’ Nemeth and Keaton ‘Chakki’ Gill.

The double elimination, best of 5 event will feature a $5,000 grand prize for the winner.

For everyone watching and participating, it will be one of the first looks at exactly how the new Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion will affect the pro meta moving forward. New mechanics, like Jade Golems and tri-class minions, will be on display and could offer an early idea of what to expect from next year’s all-new Hearthstone Championship Tour.

Ozzie Mejia is waiting for Priests to strike back. Follow him on Twitter at @Ozz_Mejia.