
Andy Murray in race against time to play in Australian Open after testing positive for Covid

Andy Murray's plans for Australian Open have been thrown into doubt - Getty Images
Andy Murray's plans for Australian Open have been thrown into doubt - Getty Images

Andy Murray remains hopeful of a last-minute reprieve from Australian Open organisers, even though the news that he has tested positive for Covid makes it unlikely that he will be able to participate.

Murray was spotted practising at the National Tennis Centre as recently as Monday, but on Thursday his representatives confirmed that he has contracted the disease. He is believed to be largely asymptomatic.

In a statement, Tennis Australia said that Murray “will be unable to join the official AO charter flights arriving in Australia in the coming days to go through the quarantine period with the other players … We know how much he loves competing here in Melbourne and how hard he’d worked for this opportunity.”

While the statement strikes a note of regret, it is not categorical about Murray’s non-attendance. He will also take encouragement from the fact that the American player Tennys Sandgren was permitted to fly from Los Angeles to Melbourne on Wednesday night, despite testing positive for the disease.

The explanation was that Sandgren had previously tested positive in November, so he is deemed to be outside the window of infectiousness. Should Murray reach this stage in the next 10 days or so, he might be able to make a late arrival in Melbourne, just in time to serve two weeks of quarantine and then enter the Australian Open on Feb 8.

Murray is not the only person looking to travel later than originally intended. The same can be said for Nicolas Massu, coach of the recent US Open champion Dominic Thiem, who has also contracted Covid. The obvious difference, however, is that Massu would not be attempting to compete after a sub-optimal build-up.

Players began to flood into Melbourne on Thursday from the first wave of charter flights, with British No 1 Dan Evans due to arrive on Thursday night. Meanwhile, Madison Keys of the USA also reported a positive test. Unlike Murray, she sounded as if she had no intention of making the trip. “I look forward to being back on tour next month,” said Keys, who is the world No16.

Over the next week, Australian Open tournament director Craig Tiley will have his hands full dealing with the influx of just over 1,200 incoming players, coaches and other team members. If this first wave creates no issues, he may yet have the time and space to consider special cases. Public opinion in Melbourne is very sensitive to potential threats, however, after the virus was contained through the strictest of lockdowns last year.

While no-one can ever say for sure how they contracted the virus, there must be a chance that Murray was infected at the National Tennis Centre in south-west London. A number of British players have been training there – after all, it is the only available place to play – and one of them is known to have tested positive at the end of last week.

In response, the Lawn Tennis Association carried out a tracing operation and told a number of players – mostly those who had been staying overnight at the NTC – to isolate for 10 days. Since then, another young player is understood to have tested positive.

Other recent positive cases have affected two coaches who had been working at the NTC, as well as the Lawn Tennis Association’s doctor, who had previously been supervising protocols there. Although fewer than ten cases have been reported around the NTC since April, there have been more in the last couple of months – in line with wider trends around London.

Having missed so much tennis in the three-and-a-half years since his hip blew up, Murray will surely be deeply frustrated at this latest setback. Judging by the recent Battle of the Brits event at the NTC – where he beat both British No 1 Dan Evans and No 3 Cameron Norrie – he had just seemed to be regaining some form after a series of after-effects from the insertion of his metal hip.

Whether the NTC was the source of the infection or not, questions will surely be asked about the level of bio-security on the site. One inconsistency has applied to support-staff members. The LTA required all attending players to be tested weekly, whereas coaches were only asked to fill out a daily health-check form.

Some younger players have also concerned their more experienced counterparts by regularly congregating – and eating – in the player lounge. When these issues were raised with the LTA, they declined to comment, although sources say that they have regularly briefed those at the NTC about their responsibilities.

Britain is in a more difficult position than most other tennis nations, because of the implausibility of practising outdoors at this time of year. The strictness of the latest lockdown has left many of our elite players with no choice but to gather in the indoor hall at the NTC. But the LTA’s intention is that the centre will continue to remain open.