
Urban Meyer takes wild, waving ref arm to face (Video)

Urban Meyer should have taken the official's sideline interference warning more seriously. (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)
Urban Meyer should have taken the official’s sideline interference warning more seriously. (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)

Apparently Ohio State coach Urban Meyer did not take a sideline interference warning seriously.

He should have.

The Buckeyes were warned for having sideline personnel too close to the playing field early in Saturday night’s game at Wisconsin. And late in the first quarter, OSU was called for sideline interference yet again, resulting in a 15-yard penalty.

Meyer was the reason for the penalty, and he received more than just a 15-yard penalty. How about a slap in the face?

As the line judge was signaling to keep the clock moving after a run toward the sideline, his waving arm hit Meyer right in the face. The white box where Meyer was standing is off limits for coaches and players, so Meyer was correctly flagged.

One would think Meyer will probably be more cognizant of the officials the rest of the game.

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Sam Cooper is a writer for the Yahoo Sports blogs. Have a tip? Email him or follow him on Twitter!