
Pavlik-Miranda round-by-round

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Round-by-round coverage of the Edison Miranda-Kelly Pavlik middleweight bout on Saturday, won by Pavlik with a seventh-round TKO.


Pavlik lands a right to the body early. Miranda connects with a right. Pavlik backs him into the ropes. They’re fighting at a very quick pace in the first minute. Pavlik jabs to the body. Pavlik is backing Miranda to the ropes and lands back-to-back hard straight rights. Pavlik hurts Miranda with a whistling right hand. Miranda’s punches don’t look like they have much on them. Miranda is hurt by a right. Pavlik is impressive and in control. Miranda lands a low blow but Pavlik keeps coming. Miranda lands a hard right at the bell. They threw a combined 191 punches, an amazing work rate. Pavlik’s round, 10-9.


Hard right to the body by Pavlik, and then two rights. Miranda lands a right to head that Pavlik takes well. Pavlik hurts Miranda with two rights along the ropes in the neutral corner as the crowd roars. Pavlik is dictating the pace. Pavlik cracks Miranda with a left and Miranda counters with two shots. The crowd goes wild as they trade in the corner. Right uppercut by Miranda staggers Pavlik. He grins and sticks out his tongue at Miranda. Pavlik bleeding from the nose. They trade at the bell as the crowd roars. Pavlik’s round, 10-9.


Miranda’s eyes are swollen as the round begins. Pace is a bit slower in this round. Miranda is still backing up. Hard jab by Pavlik. Good body shot from Pavlik gets Miranda’s attention. Miranda warned for a low blow, which is at least his fourth low blow already. Short right inside by Pavlik lifts Miranda’s left foot. Two rights and a left from Pavlik. Pavlik’s round, 10-9.


Short right by Pavlik snaps Miranda’s head. Hard right by Pavlik on the ropes. Miranda throws a combination but his punches seem to have lost some of their zip. Pavlik lands a hard counter right. Right hand by Miranda lands in the center of the ring. Big straight right by Pavlik snaps Miranda’s head. The pace is slower than the opening rounds, but still is brisk. Pavlik’s round, 10-9.


Miranda warned again for low blows early in round. Pavlik has dropped his left hand and Miranda responds with a combination. Good right by Pavlik backs Miranda to the ropes. Straight right from Miranda. Short uppercut from Pavlik scores inside. Miranda lands two hard rights but again, Pavlik takes them well. Pavlik’s round, 10-9.


They’re trading in the center of the ring as the round opens. Miranda’s right eye is closing quickly. Hard straight by Pavlik hurts Miranda. Huge right by Pavlik drops Miranda on the ropes with about 50 seconds left in the round. Miranda spits out the mouthpiece to buy time. When the fight resumes, Pavlik lands a combination and Miranda goes down again. The bell sounds and Miranda wobbles to the corner. Pavlik’s round, 10-7.


Miranda still unsteady as the the round begins. Pavlik blisters him with a left hook and lands a chopping right. The fight may be stopped at any moment. Pavlik lands a five-punch combination, Miranda sags to the ropes and referee Steve Smoger stops it at 1:54. Pavlik is the winner.