
Is March Madness Leading to a Vasectomy Boom?

March is the peak period for college basketball excitement! But according to the Cleveland Clinic, it’s also a peak period for something else.

They found an 11-percent increase in vasectomies during the March Madness college playoff schedule. Plastic Surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon thinks it just makes sense; if you’re going to be recovering from elective surgery, why not do it when something good is on TV?

Watch: How a Reverse Vasectomy Is Performed

ER Physician Dr. Travis Stork notes that vasectomy is “an outpatient procedure in most circumstances, often can be done in less than hour, about an 48-hour recovery time” – just long enough to watch a few days of March Madness!

Watch: Post-Vasectomy Sex

The Doctors agree – vasectomy is very effective and has a short recovery, and it’s much less invasive than a tubal ligation for a woman. That it’s a great excuse to catch some hoops is just a bonus!