
Tampa Bay Buccaneers Appear Content 'Around Middle of the League' in Athleticism

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Appear Content 'Around Middle of the League' in Athleticism

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers haven't ever scared anyone with how super-athletic their teams have been. In the early 2000s, the Buccaneers team that won the franchise's first Super Bowl did so with an intimidating defense that offered a great blend of brutality, swagger, and intelligence. The second, led by quarterback Tom Brady, was a Tampa Bay team much more known for their intelligence, though down the stretch the aggressive nature and athletic ability of the defense once again shone brightest. "Bucs also have their five most athletic rosters over the last five years with some variance in their rankings," Kent Lee Platte, the creator of the relative athletic score (RAS) measurement tweeted recently.