
How Warrior created Liverpool's eye cramp inducing 2014/15 third kit


Warrior has unveiled Liverpool's new third strip for the 2014/15 season. The shirt has a collar. And hoops. And a diagonal stripe across the stomach. Since Warrior started making the club's kits in 2012, the company has seemed intent on experimenting with the away and third shirts. This has resulted in the tribal shoulder design on the third shirt two years ago and the space invaders away shirt last season.

The following is the only possible explanation for how Warrior came up with this latest design.

Warrior DesignBro: OK, boss. We have a few different designs here. Which should we go with?

Warrior ExecBro: How about all of them?

WDB: All of them?

WEB: Yeah, sure, why not.

WDB: You mean...combine them all into one shirt?

WEB: Yeah, go for it.

WDB: But I don't think that would look good.

WEB: Exactly. People will talk about how ugly and/or ironically cool it is and we'll get a bunch of free publicity. Works every year.

WDB: You're a marketing genius, sir! But what about the players who have to wear these designs?

WEB: People actually wear these things!?!
