
Frozen medal stand: I can fly! I can fly! I can ffffllllyyyyyy!

If NFL players were in the Olympics, what sport should they play? (Shutdown Corner)

And while we're on the subject, what NFL players could learn from the U.S. hockey team. (Pro Football Talk)

Take a look at Olympic venues, past and present, from space. (Wired)

Ten things you may not know about the 1980 Miracle on Ice. (Joe Posnanski)

Five commercials we're sick of seeing in the Olympics. I'd add the Vancouver tourism ad, but I'll never tire of listening to Morgan Freeman tell me Olympic tales. (Best Week Ever)

What is the best Olympian name? Perhaps Germany's Tobias Angerer should win that prize. (Black Heart Gold Pants)

The history of Winter Olympics demonstration sports. (Erecting Scarecrows)

Frozen Medal Stand is Fourth-Place Medal's collection of links, pictures and other Olympic-alia. Have some Olympic-alia to share? Send it here.