
Maryland prepping for Duke and Greivis Vasquez's senior night

As if playing hated Duke with the ACC regular season title on the line wasn't enough for Maryland, Wednesday evening is also senior night for the Terps' sometimes-loved, sometimes-loathed, always-fascinating guard Greivis Vasquez. As Dan Steinberg reports on the D.C. Sports Bog, the Terps are celebrating both the Dukies arrival and Vasquez's departure by giving away "Gold rush" T-shirts to all students.

That fact in and of itself is barely worth a mention on either The Bog or The Dagger, let alone its own post. The method in which Maryland staff arranged the shirts, however, is pretty awesome.

That's Vasquez's No. 21 in the main part of the student section. The jersey numbers of the other graduating seniors line other lower-level seats and a big "M" is outlined in Comcast Center's huge student section wall, which sits behind the visitors' second half basket. It's too bad that nobody will really see it once the game tips at 9 p.m. ET.

Oh, and if you're wondering why red and white Maryland has been rocking the gold: It's one of the school's four official colors.

Thanks to @H20Terp for the pic.