
Mad Dash: Rockets GM makes stupid comparison on Twitter

It's not uncommon for people with large Twitter followings to kill time with impromptu Q&A sessions via the social media tool. Houston Rockets general managers Daryl Morey decided to take that route during a flight to see the organization's D-League team play. But when a follower asked if he ever gets sick of watching basketball, Morey responded by making a comparison to the daily life of a gynecologist. It was immature, objectifying, and altogether stupid. Morey then quickly ended his Twitter chat and disappeared. An apology for something that dumb would have made sense, but radio silence isn't surprising, either.

You've never heard of McKinney Boyd (Texas) prep soccer player Michael Del Lewis, but prepare to be amazed by his incredible throw-in skills. Del Lewis executed a front-flip throw-in that sailed at least 30 yards, over the opposing goalkeeper's head, off his outreached hand and into the back of the net. Throw-ins can't count as goals unless touched by the opposing team on the way in, and the goalkeeper sealed his fate just by trying to stop the ball.

Even in the midst of a terrible season, the Lakers are still the most popular team when it comes to Twitter followers. An NBA Twitter map released this week shows the Lakers' following dwarfs every other team in the league, with the only serious competition coming from the Raptors, who unsurprisingly dominate Canada. Just how much do the Lakers need to lose before their intense following starts to dwindle? It's been a while since they were even in contention for titles. Pretty impressive.

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